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Kristen McKendry takes readers along on Daniel McDonald's exciting search for his missing family and the shadowed secrets of his origins. McKendry, a gifted storyteller, has crafted a compelling fictional adventure in family history, as Dan unravels his twisted family roots and grapples with the possible effects of his discoveries on his own marriage. This novel is, as unlikely as it might seem, a genealogical page-turner!
I read Kristen McKendry's first novel, "Promise of Spring" and enjoyed it thoroughly. A well-written light romance was the perfect reward to a day of hard work in the garden! I am looking forward to reading her most recent novel, which I am sure I will find just as interesting and fresh.
I had to finish the book last night. Loved it!!! There is something about your stories - completely engaging and I can't put them down. Put me on the list to buy your next one!!
Kristen was a former French student of mine some years ago and showed huge potential and achievement in my classes. She has remained one of the few of thousands who still remembers me and visits whenever she's in Utah. Her books all are such a joy to read, completely devoid of gratuitous sex, violence, and obscenities. Garden Plot shows that she has a flair for a good crime/mystery-type novel, as good or better than any Agatha Kristy I have ever read. Reading her novels is like watching a good movie w/out any of the dialog/music/back ground cacaphony so characteristic of movie fare of the past few decades.
The Worth of a Soul: An amazing and inspiring story captured by a gifted writer. Warning: once you start to read this book you won't put it down!
just read Garden Plot loved it and hope to see more of the same.
I posted a review of Garden Plot on my blog. Here is the URL to read it: Brenda Birch Gallaher
I love your sense of humor in Desperate Measures and Garden Plot. Thank you!
Hi Kristen:
I just finished reading The Governess . . . and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was light and fresh. Your description helped the reader through each scene. My Granddad was born in 1869 and I could just imagine him living through that era.
Kristen, I just wanted to thank you for your book "The Song of Copper Creek." I have written a book myself and I often wish my readers would tell me more about their experience so I felt I should do that here for you. I'm going through a time of personal loss and pain from separating and divorcing 1-1/2 years ago. In picking up your book I needed an escape from my troubles and in addition it helped me to heal some. I was really happy your book didn't finish in a neat little bow where she meets a new guy and all her problems are gone as real life doesn't always work out that way. It helped me to understand my ex-wife more and to let her deal with her pain in her own time table. It also helped me to see that we can live a different life than expected and find happiness in friendship, service and church. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that the story you've told did make a difference for me.
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